LINO Printing NEC (Make & Take) Stnd C44
Creative Craft Fair NEC 1 hr session 13-16th March 25
Service Description
Stand Name is Hannah Blowes - Submerge Art Learn how to design and carve themed relief lino prints in a friendly and supportive environment. Learn how to design an image to use and print as a block repeat pattern or relief print. Nature amd themed Images will be available to use for inspiration, or to directly copy onto lino. If you have your own idea about a specific design you would like to attempt to carve then please bring it with you (the Essdee MasterCut lino blocks are 10cm x 10cm) and I will show you how to carve and print it. You will then learn how to transfer this image onto lino, to safely cut it out, and then hand print it as a pattern/relief onto blank greetings cards ready to take home at the end of the session together with your lino carving! I'll even give you a discount on any of the printing kits (including one with exactly the same tools as you will use at the make and take) and lino so you can carry on at home. 16+ or 12+ with parental supervision
Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy
Workshop fees are non-refundable. No refunds can be made to those who fail to attend a course in full or in part. If you are unable to attend, we can try and resell the workshop place. If we successfully resell your place you will be given a full refund. If we are unable to sell your place then no refund will be given. You may send someone in your place, in which case we will need their contact details (name, e-mail address and telephone number) in advance.
Contact Details